Author Topic: Unlocking Profitability: Mastering Amazon FBA for Business Success  (Read 645 times)

Riman Talukder

  • Riman Talukder
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Sumner Hobart is an Amazon, Etsy and Walmart seller who has generated over $1m in sales of his own private label products. His mission is to discover the most efficient ways to generate substantial personal profit online. With his wife, Ali, Sumner helps other sellers build more profitable businesses through online courses and their YouTube channel.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
Sumner Hobart’s sales background
How a toxic work environment drove Sumner to start a marketing firm
Sumner’s journey to becoming an Amazon FBA seller and the lessons learned
Tips for building a successful business
Sumner’s future business and investment plans
The challenges of investing in cryptocurrencies
How Sumner supports Amazon sellers through his YouTube channel

In this episode…
Building a successful business on Amazon has become more difficult over the years. With more sellers joining the platform, competition is at an all-time high and advertising costs have been on an upward spiral. Businesses have to be smart to stand out and outperform other sellers.

Having spent many years selling on Amazon, Sumner Hobart realized that the secret to growing a successful business is building a product that will stick with customers for years. Instead of purely focusing on profit, try to meet your customers’ needs. Sumner also advises sellers to leverage other platforms to grow their business, since older strategies may not create the results you want today.

In this episode of the Innovations and Breakthroughs Podcast, Rich Goldstein interviews Sumner Hobart about strategies for building a profitable Amazon FBA business. Sumner also shares his experience working in a toxic work environment, the lessons learned from investing in non-regulated assets, and how he supports Amazon sellers.

Resources mentioned in this episode:
Goldstein Patent Law
The ABA Consumer Guide to Obtaining a Patent by Rich Goldstein
The Amazing Escape Plan
The Amazing Escape Plan on YouTube
Sumner Hobart on LinkedIn I Facebook I Instagram
Neil Hoffman on LinkedIn
Copywriting Secrets: How Everyone Can Use The Power Of Words To Get More Clicks, Sales and Profits . . . No Matter What You Sell Or Who You Sell It To! by Jim Edwards
Alex Hormozi on LinkedIn
Fidelity Investments

Video Link:

Riman Talukder
Coordinator (Business Development)
Daffodil International Professional Training Institute (DIPTI)