Author Topic: MK499 Marketing Internship  (Read 1691 times)

Archona Rani Saha

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MK499 Marketing Internship
« on: September 25, 2023, 10:50:50 AM »
Why Internships?

Internships are important because they provide a bridge between education and the workforce, offering a multitude of benefits, including practical experience, skill development, networking opportunities, resume building, exploration, academic integration, confidence, and a pathway to future career success. According to a national study, students and young professionals with internship experience are 35% more likely to get at least one job offer after graduating than those without internship experience. Those with internship experience were also found to have a median salary that is 27% higher. In short, internships are a valuable investment in one's professional development.

MK499 Marketing Internship Course Overview: 

MK499 is a 3-credit course that counts as an elective toward the marketing major or minor
MK240 is the pre-req for MK499
MK499 is offered every semester
The internship must occur at the same time you take MK499
The internship can be unpaid or paid -- The key is that it is meaningful!
The internship can be on-site, remote, or hybrid
MK499 has three required class meetings: one during the first week of the semester, one during the middle of the semester, and one during the end of the semester
You are expected to work a minimum of 120-150 hours throughout the semester (approx. 10 hours a week)
MK499 involves producing academic deliverables (e.g., worklogs, presentations, and reflections of your experiences)
While you are responsible for finding an internship, Dr. Klink is willing to assist you

Request Approval for MK499

You must receive approval to enroll in MK499
If you have an internship, please complete the MK499 Internship Approval Form
If you have not found an internship, but would like to enroll in MK499, please email Dr. Klink for tentative approval
After receiving approval, AASC will be notified that you are approved to register for MK499 during your registration time

Internship Opportunities

The Loyola Rizzo Career Center is a valuable resource for finding an internship. To learn about internship search strategies, schedule an appointment with a counselor through Handshake. The Center also has drop-in hours M-F 12pm-3pm.
Departments on campus may also be seeking marketing interns.
Other resources include internship posting sites like LinkedIn, Indeed, ZipRecruiter, etc.

Contact Information

Dr. Rick Klink


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