Author Topic: What is java generics and why java generics?  (Read 5316 times)

Musfiqur Rahman

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What is java generics and why java generics?
« on: March 23, 2023, 01:14:38 PM »
Java Generics is a feature in Java programming language that allows the creation of generic types and methods. It allows developers to parameterize the types that are used in their code, which can help to increase code reusability, improve type safety, and make code more expressive.

Generics provide a way to define classes, interfaces, and methods that can work with different types of objects, without having to rewrite the same code for each type. This is achieved through the use of type parameters, which allow the specification of a generic type that can be replaced with a specific type when the code is used.

For example, consider a method that takes an ArrayList of integers and returns the sum of all the elements in the list. Without generics, the method would have to be rewritten for each type of object that could be used in the list. However, with generics, the method can be defined once with a type parameter, and can then be used with any type that extends the Number class.

Java generics have several advantages, including:

Type safety: Generics help to ensure type safety at compile time, by allowing the specification of a specific type for each variable, parameter, and return type.

Code reusability: Generics allow for the creation of code that can work with multiple types of objects, reducing code duplication and increasing code reuse.

Expressive code: Generics can make code more expressive and easier to read, by providing a way to specify the types that are being used in the code.

Overall, Java generics is a powerful feature that provides a lot of benefits to developers. It is a useful tool for creating reusable, type-safe, and expressive code, and is widely used in modern Java programming.


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Re: What is java generics and why java generics?
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2024, 03:45:01 PM »