Shaw Local News Network
Grundy County Economic Development Council interns with Senator Sue Rezin, R-Morris. (Photo provided by the Grundy County Economic Development Council)
The Grundy County Economic Development Council held a reception Aug. 9 to recognize and congratulate the students that participated in the paid, hands-on internship program.
Parents and families were on-hand to celebrate their sons’ and daughters’ successes as the Grundy County Summer Internship Program came to a close for it’s 11th year.
Nancy Norton, President & CEO of the Grundy Economic Development Council opened the event by welcoming the businesses, educators, parents, and students. Norton also thanked ComEd for their generous sponsorship.
State Sen. Sue Rezin introduced the company representatives along with their interns. Rezin emphasized that the students should be proud that they were chosen to work at some of the finest businesses in Grundy County. The internships offer a chance to gain meaningful professional work experience and learn more about the many different employment options within the community.
Lance Copes, Director of Grundy Area Vocational Center, also addressed the crowd and discussed the benefits and opportunities that the experience of the internship had given the students. Copes said that there were almost 100 students who applied for the 37 positions and those in the room should be proud that they were selected to participate in the program. Copes also encouraged the interns to keep in touch with their mentors and ask if there are opportunities to work during school breaks or even again next summer.
The 37 paid internships this year were with 15 different companies, offering a diverse set of opportunities for local students. The program began in 2013, with just 12 internships and 3 companies. To date, more than 250 students have gone through the program. The program is open to students attending one of the four Grundy County high schools or the Grundy Area Vocational Center.
The Grundy County Internship Program was based on a mutual desire expressed by leaders in education and industry to highlight local employment opportunities and retain local talent in Grundy County. Rezin, GAVC and the GEDC partnered with local industry and education to launch the program in 2013.
Source: Shaw Local News Network
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