By Martha Tsigkari
In a special long-read comment piece, Martha Tsigkari of Foster + Partners considers how AI will affect our industryDisruptive technologies, of which artificial intelligence (AI) is currently a frontrunner, can be such charming underminers of our own certainty, irrevocably pushing us outside our comfort zone and forcing us to rethink all that we have been taking for granted. They are, in many ways, the white rabbit of our industry. And, like Alice in Wonderland, we can choose to ignore them. Or we can go down the rabbit hole.
Down the rabbit hole there is a great deal of uncertainty, unknowns and failure. But there are also a lot of possibilities. “I prefer the hell of chaos to the hell of order,” writes Wislawa Szymborska in her homonymous poem, and nothing is truer when it comes to disruption.
Source: Webvision Cloud
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